Ceramides are naturally occurring lipid (fat) molecules that make up a large portion of the outer skin layer. Ceramide skin care products are available as over-the-counter veterinary products in various topical forms. They are used to help manage skin conditions in dogs, cats, and other animals. Your veterinarian is the best source of information about the safety of non-drug health products in pets.
Chlorhexidine + ketoconazole topical is used to treat superficial skin infections or overgrowth in dogs and cats. When given as directed, side effects are rarely noted, but could include skin irritation. If you suspect an overdose or accidental ingestion, call your veterinary office immediately.
Chlorhexidine topical (brand names Chlorhex®, Novalsan®, ChlorhexiDerm®) is an antiseptic used to treat skin infections. It is used to treat surface bacterial and/or fungal skin infections in cats and dogs. This medication may be part of a combination product that includes other medications. Chlorhexidine topical comes in shampoo, liquid, ointment, and wipe form.
Chlorhexidine/hydrocortisone/trizEDTA topical (TrizCHLOR® 4HC) is a shampoo and spray conditioner used topically in cats, dogs, and horses to support animals with conditions such as superficial, itchy, bacterial and fungal skin infections (pyoderma); acute moist dermatitis (hotspots); and pododermatitis (skin infections of the foot).
Chlorhexidine/ketoconazole/TrizEDTA flush: otic (Mal-A-Ket® Plus) is a liquid antibacterial and antifungal solution used for topical treatment of localized bacterial and yeast infections in dogs and cats. The solution can be used specifically in the ears as a flush treatment.
Chlorhexidine/ketoconazole/TrizEDTA flush: topical (Mal-A-Ket® Plus) is a liquid antibacterial and antifungal solution used to manage localized bacterial and yeast infections in dogs and cats. It should only be used topically on the skin or in the ears.
Cidofovir ophthalmic is a topical antiviral medication used to treat viral eye infections, such as feline herpesvirus-1, in cats. This medication must be compounded by a veterinarian or veterinary pharmacy before use in cats. Side effects may include a mild stinging sensation or redness of the eyes. Pregnant women should not handle this medication.
Clindamycin topical (brand names ClinzGard®, others) is an antimicrobial used to treat bacterial skin infections, acne, anal sac abscesses, and other wounds in cats and dogs. Clindamycin topical comes in variety of forms.
Colloidal oatmeal topical (brand name DermAllay®, Epi-Soothe, others) is an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic (anti-itching), and emollient (softening, soothing) agent used in the treatment of surface skin disorders and skin reactions in cats and dogs. It is made from oat grains (Avena sativa). Colloidal oatmeal topical comes in spray, cream rinse, and shampoo forms.
Desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP) (brand name Percorten-V®, Zycortal®) is a steroid hormone replacement therapy used to treat primary hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease) in dogs. Extra-label (off-label) lower dosages of DOCP (i.e., lower dose, longer dosing interval, or both) can be used to control the balance of blood electrolyte levels. DOCP has also been used extra-label to treat hypoadrenocorticism in cats.